Cooling system of Hoenergy Battery Energy Storage Solution

Cooling system of Hoenergy Battery Energy Storage Solution

Why do we use cooling systems? Here are the reasons.

The Hoenergy lithium-ion battery cooling systems help in improving the performance of the battery.

This is because the life span and the working condition of battery’s are primarily dependent upon the temperature.

If you want the batteries of your electronic vehicles to work longer, then proper cooling is extremely important.

(Air conditioning cooling is the use of refrigerant through the heat exchanger on the basis of liquid cooling to achieve coolant cooling)

The refrigeration method no longer depends on the external ambient temperature, even in the case of high ambient temperature, it can also take away the heat of the coolant, so as to achieve battery cooling.

Go check Outdoor BESS Cabinet (126kWh) with

the Hoenergy cooling system——air conditioning and refrigeration system.

The Hoenergy air conditioning ensures the optimal operating temperature of the battery & prolonging the battery’s life.

Lora Helmin
Lora Helmin

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